a whole school approach to wellbeing

Dr Hazel Harrison (Clinical Psychologist and founder of ThinkAvellana) can help your school to create a clear wellbeing strategy that’s built on the unique culture and values of your school and embedded into daily life.

Hazel also offers a range of staff training sessions and keynote presentations on mental health and wellbeing, sharing the latest research in novel and engaging ways.

If you'd like Hazel to work with your school please get in touch - hazel@thinkavellana.com


Wellbeing projects

BBC Teach Brain Lab

Dr Hazel presents a series of short films to introduce the key themes of wellbeing to children.

Growth mindset and wellbeing live lesson

Dr Hazel and Katie Thistleton present a 30-minute interactive lesson for BBC Teach on recognising emotions; developing resilience and a growth mindset; and tips for self-care.
