Positive Relationships

We know that eating well and exercise is good for us. But did you know that your friendships are equally important for your physical and mental health? Today, on World Mental Health Day (10 October 2016) start a positive ripple and connect with someone. The great thing about ripples is you never know how far they will travel. 

Relationships - as much as exercise, a healthy diet and not smoking - are fundamental to our mental health and wellbeing.

Welcome to ThinkAvellana

We wanted to tell you a bit about us, our mission and how we can help you. 

Dr Hazel Harrison (Clinical Psychologist) founded ThinkAvellana as a way to bring psychology out of the clinics and into everyday life. We work with schools, businesses and families, sharing the best bits from psychological science to help you achieve your goals, enhance your happiness and make your everyday even better.